As The Horizon Group is a non for profit organisation, we have choose to keep the costs to a bare minimum. We review the fees annually to ensure we are as cost effective as possible. We feel the costs of membership offers excellent value for money.
Joining fee: £100.00
This joining fee is a one off fee to cover admin costs of taking on a new member and any marketing efforts we take on to attract new members.
Annual membership: £150.00
The first annual membership is paid in full upon successful acceptance of your application. The second years' membership fee is pro rata based on when you joined in the previous year. Membership is renewable on the 1st January every year. Members have till the end of January to have paid their annual membership fee.
Monthly standing order: £30.00
The monthly standing order is to cover the cost of holding our meetings and pays for the breakfast too. Any surplus due to non attendance etc. is accumulated and put towards funding social events or charity fund raising.